Friday 28 January 2011

Applying to universities in UK wasn't a small and easy decision. It was probably one of the boldest steps I'd taken. The long process of selecting courses and colleges, loan and scholarship application and visa process was never ending and was taxing and extremely tedious. And after all that, to find a place to live was yet another battle. Because when you know you are going to stay an entire year in another country, it's very important to choose the right place to stay. How close is it to college and how far from the town centre or shops? Who are you living with? How much are you paying and so on.

I was lucky to have ended up in the right place - with seven other people from Mumbai and a whole house to ourselves. It was beyond awesome.

Finally, the day of departure had come in mid-September 2010 and I had just one regret. I had started the process too late; so with four days left to go I was all over the place. Note to self: application for studies in another country starts eight months in advance...not two. The 10-hour journey from here to London was average. My dad tried to find a comfortable position to sleep and I continued with grinning at the thought of what lay ahead.

The first week was fun. My new friends were great. Everything had worked out better than I'd expected. Education in the UK at the university level is organised to the T. Dates with timings and details of what will be covered are provided for entire terms and nothing less is achieved. After college my housemates and I would set out to explore a little of the town. The nightlife is wild and there's not one day of the week in Bournemouth that people aren't out partying. It was as if the whole town was a big college.�

Soon the sun was gone, winter had dawned, and darkness started at 5 in the evening and rain was preceded or replaced altogether at times by hailstones. At home, we sat huddled around the heater in the evenings watching movies, talking, laughing, cooking and planning random trips that were never achieved.

We overdosed on 'fish n chips', spend Friday evenings at pubs and even tried supporting one of the football teams by screaming 'wohoo' in clubs when everyone else did.

The land of the over precautious where even crisp packs had warnings of 'extreme flavour' not spicy, not sour... just... extreme, had soon become my favourite place. Although I must add a beach town had a lot to do with this. Through the year, numerous activities take place on campus - from having your own radio slot to organising festivals for various cultures to writing for the college magazine and also going on international trips to represent the college.

Being part of the media school gave me the opportunity to put my name forward for The Salzburg Global Media Seminar. It was one of the most amazing experiences I'd ever had. Three weeks spent in a palace by the lake in Austria treated nothing lesser than royalty made it difficult to return to reality. It was the highlight of my life. Mornings were spent discussing media spotlight in various countries and important issues like 'agenda setting' and 'effects of social media' while the evenings were spent having high tea in the backyard lounging in the sun. It was surreal. Not to say we didn't work hard.

Nights were busy shooting, editing, scripting and executing while days, dinners and brunches were spent debating current affairs and world politics with intellectuals from 17 countries.

A year has passed now and the next stage has come. I'm glad I wasn't afraid to take the big leap. The experience is different and you learn things that just aren't possible living in one city all your life!

Slow and study

* Education in the UK at the university level is organised to the T. Dates with timings and details of what will be covered are provided for entire terms and nothing less is achieved

* Through the year, numerous activities take place on campus - from having your own radio slot to organising festivals to writing for the college magazine and also going on international trips

* Only thing is that the process of selecting courses and colleges, loan and scholarship application and visa process is never ending and taxing besides being extremely tedious

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